Fai (the platform) is a technical platform for managing financial operations and tax compliance according to Saudi laws and regulations. It is a registered trademark wholly owned by the Ahad Network for Information Technology Limited Company (the company). The company is a Saudi entity under commercial registration number 1010808501, based in Riyadh.

Your use of the platform is conditioned upon your acceptance of these terms and conditions. If you do not agree with any part of this agreement, you must stop using the platform and delete your account entirely. Your continued use of the platform constitutes your acknowledgment that you have read, understood, and accepted these terms and conditions without any limitations or conditions.

The platform reserves the right to modify this agreement at any time. The amended version will be published on the platform’s website and will be effective from the date of publication. Your continued use of the application after the publication of the amended version constitutes your commitment to the terms and conditions of the amended agreement and your consent to the changes.

The terms of use will be available in both Arabic and English. In case of any conflict or contradiction between the English terms of use and the Arabic terms, the Arabic version shall prevail.

First: Definitions

The following terms, wherever mentioned in this agreement (terms and conditions), shall have the following meanings:

  1. Platform: The Fai platform, its owner, and its trademark owned by the Ahad Network for Information Technology Limited Company unless the context indicates otherwise.
  2. Service/Services: All services and tools available on the platform, including electronic billing, financial operations management tools, tax compliance, technical integration solutions with sales and purchase management systems, accounting systems, and transaction archiving.
  3. User: The person who uses the platform, visits it, registers on it, requests, or uses any service through it, and must comply with these terms and conditions.
  4. Client: The person who uses the platform to benefit from the services or for obtaining various financial consultation and services provided by the financial service providers.
  5. Service Provider: The entity or person who offers professional services to manage financial operations or taxes or provides related consultations within the works and specializations of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority or other relevant entities.
  6. Entity Account: An account created by the client or service provider for a natural or legal person, including tools to benefit from the platform’s services for that entity.
  7. Agreement: This usage agreement, which includes the terms and conditions and various policies, including service provider-specific terms and policies, client-specific terms and policies, the platform’s privacy policy, and any written or electronic or oral agreements or contracts.
  8. Regulations: The regulations in force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Second: General Terms of Use
  1. The user acknowledges that they have full legal capacity in accordance with the regulations and are at least 18 years old at the time of registration on the platform.
  2. The user commits to providing the platform with correct and accurate information and data required to create their personal account.
  3. The user acknowledges that when creating an entity account, they have the right and legal authority to create this account. They also commit to providing the platform with complete and accurate data for the entity account, such as the commercial entity name, identification numbers like commercial registration or national ID, address, tax number, and other required information, and to update them immediately upon any change.
  4. The service provider acknowledges having the necessary qualifications and legal licenses for the services they offer, and that they are valid during the service provision period. They also commit to providing any proofs if requested by the platform.
  5. The user commits to using correct contact information to ensure the receipt of any notifications from the platform or the ability to communicate with them when necessary. The email used for registration is considered the primary and official means of communication.
  6. The user is responsible for keeping their password secure. The platform is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from the failure to keep the account and password secure.
  7. The user is responsible for all activities and content uploaded under their account.
  8. The user commits to using trade names, personal images, or logos owned by them and is prohibited from uploading any images belonging to others through the platform.
  9. Users are prohibited from publishing or uploading any defamatory, offensive, harmful, threatening, abusive, twisted, racist, or otherwise morally inappropriate or illegal content or information.
  10. Users are prohibited from unauthorized access or attempts to access the platform or granting others the right to use their account, impersonating any person or misrepresenting membership with another person, and are responsible for any violations resulting from breaching this clause.
  11. Users are prohibited from any actions that may cause harm or conflict with the intellectual property rights of the platform.
  12. Users are prohibited from uploading or attaching any files, programs, or other materials protected by intellectual property laws or (any private or public rights) without owning the rights to use them.
  13. Users are prohibited from any actions that may cause unreasonable or disproportionate pressure on the platform or its infrastructure.
  14. Users must ensure compliance with all the conditions and requirements mentioned in the agreement and all the conditions and requirements stipulated in the applicable regulations throughout their use of the platform.
  15. If a user violates any condition of this clause, this agreement will be null and void for them, with all legal effects arising during its validity period applying to the user.
  16. Users are prohibited from registering on the platform with more than one account, and all accounts will be deleted if it is found that there is more than one account.
  17. If the platform determines, at its sole discretion, that a user has breached or violated any of these terms, it has the right to delete any requests, data, or content published without prior warning to the client, and take measures (including stopping, suspending, or restricting the client’s access to the platform), banning the user from using the platform, reporting the user to internet service providers or relevant authorities, and taking any legal action.
Third: Mediation Services for Accounting, Financial, and Tax Services
  1. The consultations and accounting, financial, and tax services available on the platform are provided by service providers independent of the platform or the company, licensed and permitted to provide accounting, financial, and tax services.
  2. The platform’s role is limited to providing mediation services and linking the client with the service provider, managing the financial process, and does not provide accounting, financial, and tax consultation services.
  3. The platform’s role is limited to mediation and reconciliation between the client and the service provider in accounting, financial, and tax services related to the works and specializations of the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority.
  4. The agreement between the client and the service provider on the service, work mechanism, and implementation period is made through the platform.
  5. The platform’s role is limited to displaying service providers’ services and mediating between the client and service providers, and it is not responsible for the level and quality of services provided by service providers.
  6. The client pays for the service through the payment methods available on the platform.
  7. The platform commission is agreed upon with service providers and collected from the service provider, and the client does not pay any additional amount beyond what is specified by the service provider.
  8. The client must adhere to all the provisions and conditions of this agreement. If the client acts in violation of this agreement, the platform has the right to disable their use of its services at any time without prior notice. The platform also has the right to seek compensation for any damage.
  9. To facilitate and enhance the quality of services provided to the client, the client may need to attach financial documents or other required documents. By agreeing and attaching these documents, the client authorizes the platform to grant access to these documents to service providers or any entity or individual deemed necessary by the platform to complete the requested services. The responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of these documents and the information they contain lies with the service provider or the entity or individual given access, and they bear full responsibilities and obligations towards the client, while the platform bears no obligations or responsibilities.
Fourth: Platform Services – Liability Limits
  1. The information, recommendations, services, or any part thereof provided to the user on or through the platform are for general information purposes only and do not constitute any legal advice or consultation. The platform will maintain the accuracy and update the platform, services, and content as much as possible but does not guarantee that the content or service is free from errors, defects, malware, or viruses and does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the platform or service.
  2. The platform is not liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the platform or service, including damages caused by malware or viruses. It is also not liable for any inaccuracies or incompleteness of information on the platform or service, unless the damage is caused by intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the platform.
  3. The platform is not liable for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use electronic means of communication with the platform or the service, including damages resulting from the failure to deliver electronic communications or delays, interception or manipulation of electronic communications by third parties or by computer programs used for electronic communications and virus transmission.
  4. The platform strives to provide its electronic services 24/7 throughout the year. However, it does not guarantee the platform’s full operation throughout the year, as there will be stoppages for maintenance, periodic updates, or adding new features to the service.
  5. The platform does not provide any warranties, explicit or implied, regarding the services. All services are provided “as is.” The platform explicitly disclaims, to the maximum extent permitted by law, all warranties, including but not limited to: warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, fitness for certain specifications and markets, and merchantability of proprietary rights. The platform does not guarantee the accuracy, content, timing of services, or results that may or may not be obtained by the user. The platform, its agents, licensors, or affiliates will not be liable under any circumstances for direct or indirect damages, penalties, special damages, incidental or consequential damages, including but not limited to: damages resulting from loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other financial losses directly or indirectly arising from accessing the services, using them (or failing to use them), or relying on them.
Fifth: Liability Limits – Mediation Services
  1. In case of any damages resulting from the service provider’s negligence or failure to deliver the service, the service provider bears full responsibility towards the client. The platform is not liable for any obligations or responsibilities towards the client.
  2. The client bears full responsibility for any violations of the agreement’s terms, the platform’s instructions, or the service provider’s instructions, and for any damages resulting from such violations, negligence, or failure to provide any data or information.
  3. In case of any damages caused by the client to the service provider, the client bears full responsibility towards the service provider. The platform is not liable for any obligations or responsibilities towards the service provider.
  4. The service provider has the right to request data or documents from the client to prepare and deliver the service. The client alone bears the responsibility to provide these documents, and the platform is not liable for any misuse of the data or documents by the service provider.
  5. The platform is not liable for any unsatisfactory or delayed service from the service provider, nor for any losses or disruptions resulting from this service or its quality, or delays in providing it by the service provider.
  6. The platform is not liable for any lawful activities provided by the service provider in an unlawful or irregular manner, or for any unlawful or irregular activities conducted by the service provider or provided to the client.
  7. The platform does not bear any claims arising from errors or negligence, whether directly or indirectly.
  8. The platform is not liable for any claims, disputes, damages, or any responsibilities arising directly or indirectly from the service provider.
  9. The platform completely disclaims responsibility for all communications whether conducted within the platform or outside of it in violation of this agreement. Communication between parties is at their own risk.
  10. The platform completely disclaims responsibility for consultations and files provided by either the service provider or the client, and the platform will not be liable in any way to any of the parties, as its role is limited to facilitating connections between parties.
  11. The service provider understands that no person or entity has the right to claim against the platform for any claim, demand, or compensation related to the service provider’s breach of any of their obligations mentioned in this agreement, or in case of negligence, failure, or any error in providing their services. The service provider alone is responsible for any breach of the agreement or applicable regulations.
Sixth: Platform Rights
  1. The platform has the right to refuse service activation to any person for any reason at any time.
  2. The platform has the right to remove or modify any content it deems illegal, offensive, threatening, defamatory, libelous, obscene, or otherwise objectionable or that violates intellectual property rights of any party or violates the terms of use.
  3. The platform has the right to terminate dealings without any compensation in the case of verbal or written abuse of any kind (including threats of abuse or retribution) from any user of the platform, its employees, or affiliates.
  4. The platform has the right to provide its services to any party, even if it competes with other parties benefiting from the same services. The platform adheres to ethical and legal standards to avoid harming any party or refusing to serve one party to benefit another and does not monopolize any market sector available.
  5. In case of a dispute over account ownership, the platform has the right to request documents for verification or ownership confirmation. The platform has the right to determine, at its discretion or after legal advice, the rightful account owner and make a decision accordingly.
  6. The platform has the right to guide and direct the service provider if necessary for any reason it deems or in case of an error, negligence, or delay in providing the service to the client.
  7. The platform has the right to transfer the service from one service provider to another if it finds an error, negligence, or delay in providing the service to the client. The original service provider is not entitled to any fees for the transferred service even if they worked on it partially.
  8. Work between the platform, the client, and the service provider can be conducted in writing or through electronic communication to agree on the service, deliver documents and information related to the client or service, determine the work mechanism and completion period, make payments, and other service-related details, in accordance with the responsibilities and commitments mentioned in this agreement and any agreements made between the parties in exchanged documents, emails, or other means of communication.
  9. The platform has the right to use the client’s information and service content provided through the platform and related documents to generate platform-specific statistics, or for marketing, promotion, or other desired uses.
  10. The platform has the right to limit mediation work to a specific number of service providers.
Seventh: Service Provider Rights and Obligations
  1. The service provider has the right to set a specific price or price range for the services they wish to offer, which will be visible to the client when requesting the service.
  2. The service provider commits to delivering the service to the client immediately after being notified by the platform that the client has paid the service fees. The service provider is only entitled to their fees after delivering the service completely.
  3. The service provider is prohibited from changing prices after the service request, requesting additional amounts not agreed upon with the client, or asking the client to pay their fees directly.
  4. The platform issues an invoice for the total service fees, including the commission, to the client. The service provider must issue an invoice for their fees and submit it to the platform upon completing the service to consider it a completed transaction. Service providers’ dues for completed transactions will be settled and transferred bi-weekly.
  5. The platform reserves the right to modify the commission percentage at any time without requiring the service provider’s approval.
  6. If the service provider does not deliver the service as required, the platform has the right to refund the service fees to the client.
  7. The platform has the right to make discounts and offers on the service fees without the service provider’s approval, without affecting the service provider’s fees, and the service provider has no right to object.
  8. If the discounts affect the service provider’s fees, the platform cannot make discounts or offers without the service provider’s approval.
  9. If the service provider requests to transfer the service to another service provider, the original service provider is not entitled to any fees for the transferred service even if they worked on it partially.
  10. The service provider commits to delivering the service or financial and tax consultation within the specified period. In case of delay, the platform has the right to transfer the case to another service provider.
  11. The service period starts immediately after the client pays the service fees and ends when the client closes the request after answering any related questions. The service provider has the right not to answer questions unrelated to the service provided. If the client wants a new service, they must open a new request through the platform.
  12. The service provider must deliver the service personally to the client and is prohibited from delegating others to deliver these services. The service provider is fully and finally responsible for the quality and accuracy of the service and its delivery as required.
  13. The service provider is prohibited from receiving payments from clients in their personal bank account or any other means. The client must pay all fees through the platform to ensure all parties’ rights.
  14. The service provider commits to ensuring all services they provide are correct, sound, and verified with due diligence. Otherwise, they alone are responsible for any damages arising from these services.
  15. The service provider commits to providing the necessary assistance in case the platform conducts any investigations regarding any use believed to violate this agreement’s terms, applicable regulations, or cause legal disputes for the platform or harm any platform users.
  16. The service provider commits to maintaining the confidentiality of information, data, and documents provided by the client for their work, not disclosing any of these to any person or entity, and not using client data as proof of previous services. The client has the right to claim against the service provider for any violations, and the platform bears no responsibility.
  17. The service provider commits to the terms and conditions of this agreement. If the service provider violates any terms, the platform has the right, without prior notice, to delete the service provider’s account and bears no compensation or liability. The platform also has the right to seek compensation for any damages resulting from the service provider’s breach of their obligations under this agreement.
Eighth: Subscription to Services
  1. Service fees can be paid through electronic payment on the platform or via bank transfers to the company’s account. The user is responsible for timely payment of the fees.
  2. The client is prohibited from fraudulent use of an incorrect or invalid payment method, using a stolen payment method, and bears the responsibility for violating this clause.
  3. All payments are made in Saudi Riyal. If the client pays in another currency, they bear the conversion fees and any other bank charges.
  4. The contract between the user and the platform is of indefinite duration. The user has the right to terminate the contract by canceling the subscription at any time.
  5. The subscription for the chosen package will be automatically renewed using the payment method previously set by the user in their account upon the expiration of the current subscription period. If the payment fails due to a fault or insufficient balance, the subscription will not be automatically renewed.
  6. The platform reserves the right to modify or terminate the service for any reason without prior notice at any time.
  7. All paid subscriptions are non-refundable.
  8. The platform reserves the right to impose new fees for using the service. If the platform decides to impose new fees, users will be notified, and they will be allowed to continue the contract or terminate it.
  9. The platform may modify or update prices from time to time. Users are responsible for staying informed about current prices through the pricing page, accessible from the homepage or the subscription page in the platform account.
  10. The user acknowledges that their access to data stored on the platform is restricted to having an active account and paid subscription. Failure to pay the due amounts will result in the suspension of service and access to stored data.
  11. If the user fails to pay the subscription fee to the platform, they will be granted a grace period of no more than thirty (30) days before the suspension of service and access to stored data.
Ninth: Order Cancellation and Refund Policy
  1. If the client cancels the order before agreeing with the service provider and before transferring the service fee, they are not liable for any financial expenses.
  2. If the client cancels the order after agreeing with the service provider, they are not entitled to a refund of the service fee.
  3. The client is entitled to a full refund of the service cost, including the platform commission if the order is canceled by the service provider or if the service provider delays more than 72 hours beyond the specified time.
Tenth: Compensation
  1. The user commits to fully compensating Fai for all material and moral damages arising from unlawful actions performed through the platform or generally resulting from their use of the platform, non-compliance with any of its terms and conditions, or non-compliance with applicable laws.
  2. The platform does not provide any type of insurance or compensation to any of its users, service providers, or clients, whether for damages arising from mistakes by service providers or clients or any negligence by the platform, its employees, or operators.
Eleventh: Intellectual Property
  1. The platform respects users’ intellectual property rights on its platform, whether owned by them before joining the platform or after, and users must respect the platform’s intellectual property rights, which include but are not limited to: the platform, accounting, financial, or tax reports and models, words, logos, images, videos, sounds, and symbols of the platform or displayed on the platform.
  2. The platform and all associated rights are protected by intellectual property and trademark laws and are the exclusive property of the platform, and any infringement or unauthorized use is prohibited.
  3. In case of any infringement or violation of any platform rights or intellectual property, the platform will take necessary actions against these violations.
  4. The service provider, while serving the client, must not infringe on any intellectual property rights of the client or any third parties.
  5. The platform is not responsible for any intellectual property rights violations committed by users, whether by service providers or clients.
Twelfth: Legal Notifications
  1. All legal notifications required under Saudi regulations are sent through the communication means provided by the user, including phone calls, text messages, or emails. These phone or electronic notifications replace all required written notifications and are considered officially binding between the parties.
  2. Each user acknowledges their waiver of any legal rights to receive written notifications from the platform and acknowledges that the platform is not obligated to provide written notifications, and the phone or electronic notifications are legally binding and effective as mentioned above.
Thirteenth: Privacy Policy
  1. The user acknowledges and agrees that their use of the platform, including information sent to or stored by the platform, is subject to its privacy policy.
Fourteenth: Invalidity of One or More Provisions
  1. The invalidity of any provision of this agreement does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
  2. If any provision of the agreement is invalid or unacceptable in certain circumstances according to standards of reasonableness and fairness, to that extent only, a provision that is acceptable and aligns with the intent of the invalid provision shall be substituted between the parties, considering the content and purpose of these terms of use.
Fifteenth: Litigation and Dispute Resolution
  1. The laws and regulations of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia apply to the terms of this agreement. The competent judicial authority in Riyadh has jurisdiction over any dispute arising from the application of this agreement. The platform reserves the right to sue its adversaries before the competent judicial authorities in their place of residence.